Wednesday 23 November 2011

Idichhu pizhinja Payasam/Coconut milk Payasam


Thick Coconut milk (onnam pal)                                    - 1 cups

Thin Coconut milk (rendam pal)                                     - 3 cups

Raw rice, red (matta pachari)                                           - ¾ cup

Jaggery grated                                                                     - 1 ½ cup

Cardamom powder                                                              - 1 tea spoon

Dry ginger powder                                                               - 1 tea spoon

Ghee                                                                                      - 3 tea spoons

Cashew                                                                                 - 10-15

Raisins                                                                                 - 10-15


If you want to use fresh coconut milk, Take one big size coconut, grate it and grind in a mixer with 1 cup of water and squeeze and transfer the 1st milk to a bowl and again put the squeezed coconut in the mixer add 1 cup of water and grind well, get the second milk and transfer to another bowl and repeat and take 3rd and 4th milk and transfer them to different bowls.

Wash the rice and cook it in a pressure cooker with the last two cups of fresh coconut milk or one cup of thin coconut milk and one cup of water. In a wide thick pan add the Jaggery and ½ cup of water and make syrup. Filter the syrup so that the sand and other dirt can be removed. The rice should be over cooked; I mean it should be very soft. Add this syrup to rice and stir well and cook in medium heat for 5 minutes. Add all the coconut milk except the thick 1 cup of milk. Stir well and cook for another 5 minutes. The Payasam will start to thicken. Now add the 1st/thick coconut milk, cardamom powder and dry ginger powder and stir well. Switch off the stove. Transfer the Payasam to a serving bowl. In a pan fry the cashews and raisins in ghee and pour it over the Payasam. Yummy idichupizhinja Payasam/coconut milk Payasam is ready.

You can use broken wheat instead of rice. Then it becomes Gothambu/Wheat Payasam. 

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