Tuesday 18 October 2011

Diwali Marunthu/ Diwali Lehyam

On Diwali day after taking oil bath early in the morning we have to eat one tea spoon of this Marunthu/Lehyam. This will help us to get rid of indigestion. During Diwali we eat lots of sweets and snacks, which will naturally upset our stomach. This Marunthu is good for such problems.


Ginger washed and cut into small pieces       - 1 ½ cup

Coriander seeds                                                   - ½ cup

Cumin seeds/Jeerakam                                      - 2 tea spoon

Ajwain/Aimothakam/omam                             - 3 tea spoon

Black pepper/ milaku/kurumilaku                  - 2 table spoon

Thippili /piper longum                                       - 3 or 4

Cardamom                                                            - 4

Jaggery (grated)                                                   - 1 ½ cup

Ghee                                                                        - 2 ½ table spoon

Honey                                                                      - 2 table spoon


Soak all items except Jaggery, ghee and honey in hot water for 30 minutes.

Grind them in a mixer to a smooth paste. In a pan put 1 teaspoon of ghee and add the paste to it and cook it until it becomes thick in a low flame. Add Jaggery and 2 tea spoon of water and stir well. The Jaggery will melt and after few minutes this will become thick. We have to stir it now and then. Add remaining ghee and stir well. This will start becoming thick and will leave the edges of the vessel. Add honey to it and cook for two more minutes and switch off the stove. When it is cooled transfer the Lehyam to a serving bowl.

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