Monday 24 October 2011

Mysore Pak


Besan                                             - 1 cup

Sugar                                             - 2 cup

Ghee/Dalda                                  - 1 ½ cup


In a bowl mix Besan with 2 spoon of ghee/Dalda. In a thick bottomed pan make a sugar syrup adding one cup of water to one string consistency. In another stove heat Dalda and when it is completely melt simmer the flame. Now add Basen little by little to the sugar syrup and stir continuously to avoid forming lumps. When all Besan it mixed with sugar syrup add hot ghee/dalda to it little by little and stir constantly until bubbles form in it and it becomes frothy and the ghee/dalda starts to separate slightly. Transfer to a greased tray and spread it evenly. Cut the Mysore Pak into square/rectangle/diamond pieces.

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