Saturday 1 October 2011

Uzhunnu vada/Urad dal vada


Urad dal                               - 1 cup

Salt to taste

Green chilli thinly cut– 2-3

Onion finely chopped       - ½

Curry leaves finely cut      - 1 strand

Oil to fry

According to taste you can add ginger, black pepper etc.


Soak Urad dal for 2 hours and grind it to a smooth paste adding little water. Add salt, chilli, curry leaves and onion to it and mix well. Heat oil in a pan. Wet your palms with little water and take lemon size dough in your hand, pat it to a round Pattie and put a hole in center with your finger and gently slide it into hot oil. At a time you can fry 3 to 4 vadas. Fry the vadas golden brown. It is good to eat it hot with coconut chutney.

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