Tuesday 27 September 2011


Maida/All purpose flour        - 1cup
Moong Dal (soaked)               - ½ cup
Basen ( channa dal powder)      - ¼ cup
Cumin Powder                         - 1 tea spoon
Garam Masala                         - 1 tea spoon
Red Chilli Powder                   - 1 tea spoon
Baking Powder                         - ½ tea spoon
Oil for deep frying
 Salt to taste
Mix flour, salt and baking powder and make smooth dough using sufficient water.
Grind the soaked moong dal. Heat one table spoon of oil in a pan and fry the ground moong dal. Add cumin powder, garam masala, salt and chilli powder to it. Stir till it gets dry. Add Basen to it and stir well. Transfer the mix to a bowl.
Make lemon size ball from the dough. Flatten them with your palms. Stuff them with 1 tea spoon of filling and seal them and press the ball slightly. Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the kachories till golden brown.
It has a shelf life of 10-15 days if kept air tight.

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